Layered open source model

Open core model ne smatram dobrim modelom.

Taj model često trpi kritike. Obrazloženje u članku "Layered Open Source - A better open core model?" je baš dobro opisalo nedostatke open core modela:

The trouble for an open core vendor is that on one hand they're telling customers that open source is great and produces superior software. On the hand the open core vendors are saying open source is great, except when it comes to the stuff they want to charge for, which will be kept secret. It leads confusion since if open source is a superior model, shouldn't it superior for the add-ons too?

U članku se pominje layered open source model. Primjenjuje ga Neo4j projekat.

Ukratko za onaj dio koji open core projekat drži otvorenim koristi GPL licencu, a za dijelove koje želi komercijalizirati koristi AGPL. 

Interesantan pristup.

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